Docking analysis on pioglitazone analogues and their binding affinity as antidiabetics

Author(s): Priyaranjini S Rao, Chandana S, Deekshitha

Abstract: The challenges of twenty-first century for the pharmaceutical industry are to deliver new and safe medicines within short span of time. A novel drug discovery is a complex and expensive process with decades of venture. With present technologies and inventions, the task has been swift and effective in the recent years. Computer simulations give the dynamic picture of the reactions along with the potential drug molecule. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) model and docking techniques ease the identification potential drug molecules. The present work aims at molecular docking studies on derivatives of 4-[2-(5-Ethylpyridin-2-yl)ethoxy]benzaldehyde, which is one of the key intermediates to pioglitazone. All these derivatives possess various biological activities such as antibacterial, antitumor, antifungal etc., Molecular docking studies on the reported phenoxy ethyl pyridine substituents, resulted the authors to design similar novel moieties with promising biological prominence as antidiabetics.